Twistar: Revolutionizing Customer Feedback with IoT

CWD Industrial Design Studio's Award-Winning Innovation

Twistar, a unique IoT customer feedback device, is revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their customers. Designed by the CWD Industrial Design Studio, this innovative device is the first of its kind, bringing Voice and Artificial Intelligence 'into the moment'.

The design of Twistar was inspired by the need for a user-friendly device that could appeal to a broad spectrum of users. The team at CWD Industrial Design Studio wanted to retain an analogue interaction, hence the rotate and push function became a key driver in how the device would look and perform. The result is a device that is cosmetically friendly and non-threatening, despite being packed with technology.

Twistar's unique properties lie in its ability to help businesses understand their customers' sentiments and perceptions rapidly and effectively. The device features a simple rotate and push dial with a circular screen angled towards the user for ease of use. The aesthetic design of the device is approachable, creating an "open table" environment for users.

Twistar is constructed with two inner core plastic chassis that hold the battery, pcbs, lcd modules, and optical sensors in place. The lower section is machined from stainless steel or copper, which acts as a heatsink and adds weight to the product. The dial is designed in two sections, an inner bearing surface and an outer ring, which can be customized with wooden or rubber bezels for a bespoke offering.

The device is operated by rotating the dial left to right and pushing it to respond to questions displayed on the LCD screen. This simple, palm-based product allows users to convey feedback on service received quickly and efficiently. The user interface was purposefully designed to be intuitive, sensory, and require minimal time and effort, while being entirely customizable.

Twistar was designed and built by a global team across Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East over a two-year development process. The design faced several challenges, including creating mechanical prototypes, designing and operating click and function springs, and undertaking ergonomic sizes on scale form and pressure.

Twistar's innovative design and functionality have not gone unnoticed. In 2018, the device was awarded Silver in the A' Digital and Electronic Device Design Award, a prestigious accolade rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. This recognition underscores Twistar's potential to revolutionize the way businesses engage with their customers.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: CWD Industrial design studio
Image Credits: CWD Industrial design studio
Project Team Members: Chris Woodward Nick Marshall Mark Rigamonti Catalin Edu
Project Name: Twistar
Project Client: CWD Industrial design studio

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